Sunday, 25 May 2008

Mally's Mild Kegged and Brewday Planned

Today I have kegged Mally's Mild into 2x King Kegs, they will sit for about 4 weeks then I'll try one. It's a lovely dark brown/red colour and has a good malty taste, pleasingly it tastes like a mild, which is a result.

Tomorrow I'll be brewing another recipe from Marc Ollossons book Real Ale for the Home Brewer, Townes IPA, it should be a nice pale ale with loads of citrus hop flavour, hopefully around the 4.5% mark.

Brewlength 50L
Target OG 1045 (based on reduced efficiency of 70%)
Target IBU 40
60 min mash 67 degrees
60 min boil
Batch Sparging

10.4kg Marris Otter Pale Malt 96%
430g Torrified Wheat 4%
125g Cascade 7.10%aa (60 min) 40IBU
100g Cascade 7.10%aa (steeped after the boil at 80 degrees for 30 mins)


Anonymous said...

Hi Wez, just found your blog on my mate Rambling John's. Some very interesting reading and nice recipes, which, with your permission, i might just have a go at. I have a bag of Mild malt just waiting for the right recipe and I think you may have just shown me it. So, if I do your recipe (Mally's) substituting the Mild malt for MO I'll send you a bottle and you can see if there is a discernable differance.


Wez said...

Hi John, thanks for the nice comments, please feel free to brew anything you see here, the Mally's Mild is from Marc Ollosons book (Hoddesden Dark) IIRC, i'll post a piccy when it tapped.