There have been no blog updates for a while but that doesn't mean that I haven't been busy brewing! Since my last post I have brewed the following:
Legless Frog
Ronnie Wrigglers Honey Beer
TLC Twist
Legless FrogThis is a recipe known as 'Bramling Beauty' on Jims but I've called mine Legless Frog as on the day I brewed it I also mowed the lawn and accidentally mowed over a frog which unfortunately resulted in one of his legs becoming detached. I'm sure he was fine, he limped off and as a fitting tribute to him I've named my beer after him.
Brewlength 25 L
EBU 33
OG 1044
FG 1014
ABV 3.9%
Grain Bill
4200gm Pale Malt (Marris Otter) Grain 85.5 %
270gm Amber Malt Grain 5.5 %
220gm Barley, Flaked Grain 4.5 %
220gm Wheat, Torrified Grain 4.5 %
Hop Schedule
52gm Bramling Cross [7.00%] (15 min) 16.9 IBU
22gm Bramling Cross [7.00%] (90 min) 15.4 IBU
19gm Bramling Cross [7.00%] (1 min) 0.5 IBU
1 Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 10 min)
11g Safale s-04 Starter
Ronnie Wrigglers Honey Beer
This has been brewed in honor of our impending arrival, the plan is to use this brew to wet the babys head! It's the first time I have used honey in a beer, I was advised that if you boil the honey the flavour will be stripped out so I added 550g at boiler switch off and also primed the keg with 100g. I'll report back how it tastes when it's tapped.
Brewlength 25 L
EBU 35
OG 1046
FG 1012
ABV 4.4%
Grain Bill
4000gm Pale Malt (Marris Otter) Grain 86.0%
100gm Crystal Malt Grain 2.2%
550gm Honey 11.8 % (Added at boiler switch-off)
Hop Schedule
25gm Northdown [6.50%] (90 min) 19.0 IBU
43gm Styrian Goldings [3.00%] (90 min) 13.6 IBU
25gm Styrian Goldings [3.00%] (10 min) 2.7 IBU
1 Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 10 min)
11g Safale s-04 Starter
TLC Twist
I've brewed this one before, it's supposed to be a clone-ish of Timmy Taylors Landlord, it does taste a bit like it although not a clone as such, i've not changed the recipe from the last batch too much as it turned out just fine as it was.
Brewlength 25 L
EBU 37
OG 1047
FG *still fermenting*
ABV *unknown at the moment*
Grain Bill
5000gm Pale Malt (Marris Otter) 95.1%
160gm Wheat, Torrified 3.0%
100gm Crystal Malt 1.9%
Hop Schedule
57gm Styrian Goldings [3.00%] (90 min) 16.7 IBU
26gm Northdown [6.50%] (90 min) 16.5 IBU
25gm Styrian Goldings [3.00%] (15 min) 3.8 IBU
25gm Styrian Goldings [3.00%] (0 min)
1 Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 10 min)
11g Safale s-04 Starter