Wednesday, 11 July 2007

Turbo Cider Bubble Bubble...

As I'd hoped the 2 Gallons of Turbo Cider that I started last night are bubbling away frantically today loads of tiny bubbles fizzing to the surface. The last time I did a batch of TC it went down to a Final Gravity (FG) of about 0.998, if this one drops that low from the Original Gravity of 1054 (a drop of 56) it will be around 7.5% ABV. ABV is calculated (approximately) by dividing the drop points by 7.45, this is probably not a wholly accurate way of calculating it but all I'm after is a rough figure.

The plan is to bottle this into sturdy 500ml brown glass beer bottles with 1tsp each of sugar for priming, I'll also bottle one in a 500ml Coke PET bottle so that I can see that it's clearing and also be able to feel how much pressure is building up by squeezing the bottle.

Hopefully this will be ready to bottle in around 10 to 14 days.